Family of 4!

Family of 4!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

DIY | Baby Legs

So I have been looking online at all of the adorable baby leggings that are yours for only $14.99 a pair...ugg. To me that seems pretty steep, and you can be assured that Tim thought it was crazy. I think they are too cute and as I was reading some old posts from one of my favorite blogs ( I ran across her DIY baby legs, it was so easy and I am so glad that I found the post. She was genius to think of this! SUPER EASY!
How To:
1.) find a pair of tube socks with a print that you like, I picked up a 3 pack at Wal Mart for $6.99
2.) Simply cut the foot part off of the sock
3.) Put a quick hem in the bottom part so it doesn't fray or stretch.

4.) Baby legs for $2 a pair! So stinking cute and SO easy!
These are long enough that they should last a while, but at $2 even if they don't I am not out near as much. I will now always be on the hunt for cute socks I can turn into leggings!

Adorable, but I am a touch bias!

Also, I mentioned that I found the idea on I highly recommend checking it out, I love it! Shawna talks about life with a little one, photography, some cooking, and life in general. She is super creative so it is full of great DIY projects!
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bath Time

These pictures are a few weeks old, but so cute, I had to share.  Tenley has loved bath time from the start.  I don't think we have ever had a bath end or begin in tears.  I am sure I will eat my words soon, but it will be fun when she figures out how to splash and play in the water.  We will be moving bath time to the tub then for sure and not the kitchen. I just hope that she loves the swimming pool as much as she loves her bath.

We have a pretty relaxed little one!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow Baby

With snow finally falling and covering the ground on January 10, 2011, we decided to take Miss Tenley out for some pictures and fun in the snow.  We got her all bundled up in her new snowsuit ( which I had just bought the weekend before at Macy's.  It was a great find, marked down from $50 to $10!!) It is so cute and plenty big, so hopefully we will get some more use out of it.  She actually loved being out there and was smiles the entire time.  Granted, we were only out about 10 minutes before we I decided that was enough.  I do have to say the cold didn't seem to phase her and she was toasty warm when we brought her in and out of her suit. 

Such a cute snow baby!

Daddy insisted on a snow angel, so look close :)

3 Months, 3 January 2011

3 months old, time is sailing by so quickly.  We are so blessed with such a sweet sweet baby girl.  Our days are full of smiles, giggles, coos, and fun, while our nights are full of SLEEP! Thankfully she is still doing so well sleeping through the night. She is always such a happy baby.  It has been amazing to see how much she has learned in the last month.  So many new "words" and we love hearing them everyday.  As you can tell by the pictures she has also discovered that her toes are a great way to spend some time.  They haven't made it to her mouth yet, but I am sure that is coming soon.

We took her in to be weighed on the 3rd and she is up to 12 lbs and 14 ounces.  Still in size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes. I think we have pretty much gotten to wear all of our outfits so at least that is a plus, I think we still have some time in them as well.

We did a quick photo shoot and this is some of what I got.  I still have so much to learn on our camera, but finding time to study it is a bit difficult.  Hopefully practice makes perfect!

I LOVE my toes!

Love those baby blues

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