Family of 4!

Family of 4!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

What a wonderful 1st Mother's Day I had.  I was spoiled all day by my Hubby and sweet girl.  Tim took the day off from the Fire Dept. which was so appriciated.  We started the day going to Mass and then they took me out for brunch.  We have spent the last 8ish months going to RCIA class after mass (which is now over) so it was really nice to be able to go out afterwards.  After that we came home and it was nearing nap time for Miss Tenley.  Tim and I just lounged around and enjoyed being home.  After Tenley woke up they took me on a bit of a shopping spree for flowers and plants.  I had told Tim I just wanted  a quiet day with my 2 favorite people and to get some planting done.  It was tons of fun for me to just say, "I like this one" followed by, "this is your chance" from Tim.  Yay!  I also had 2 cards waiting for me that morning, one from Tim and one from Tenley...she even hand made it and wrote such a sweet letter, it brought me to tears!  And, to add to my Mother's Day goodies, Tenley and I get to pick out an accessory for the Bugaboo stroller (Tim did put a disclaimer on the accessory that he has to "approve" it) Spoiled...I think yes!

We got a few pictures, but this was just before the nap so it was a bit of a challenge....


  1. I get such a smile after reading your posts. They brighten up my weeks :) And miss Tenley is just a cutie, I am loving all the pictures you are taking. Good Job Mommy! ~ cristina ~

  2. aw, thanks! glad we can be a bright spot in your day!
