She really got the hang of ripping the paper open and digging into all the gifts, which we weren't sure if she would get. She would rip some open then just giggle and then continue. What a joy! As for how she did with all the Christmas decorations, like I said before, wonderful! She just loves looking at everything sparkling around her. We will leave the trees up through Epiphany then it will be time for them to come down. I always feel like the house is so bare after the Christmas season and everything is put away for another year. But soon enough it will be time to get the spring out and that is always a welcome change when it gets here!
Santa has been here!
Daddy helping with the unwrapping
fun paper! and do ya like my new necklace?
new hair bows
helping Daddy with his new grill set
and Mommy with her new North Face (yaaay!!)
the aftermath!
so excited! as soon as we get home it is time to start cooking/baking! thanks, honey!
Ready for Christmas Eve Mass
Daddy's little Angel!
who wasn't all about smiles at that moment...
Hope you all have enjoyed this magical time of year and are looking forward to a fantastic 2012!
I love my mixer that I got last year at Christmas. I use it all the time!